Stupid Moon
Stupid moon...
Lovers dance and sing
Beneath your halcyonic gaze
Worshiping that frozen halo
As they chart your every phase
Waxing and waning, full again, and new
One quarter here, and a crescent, dear
Half,harvest, misty, and blue
You know nothing of love...
Stupid moon...
Tugging at the tides,
With that idiot grin...
You lend your madness,
And call to your side
All those dishonored by your name
You know nothing of love...
Never felt the warmth,
Behind the light you reflect
Much less, of a woman's touch
Miserable, lonely old moon...
I think i've said enough
what a nice surprise to see a new post from you! I love this! If you want to check out another poetry blog click on the link to the chocolate chip waffle on my blog list. She's got some great stuff.