Uncle Jonny's garden...
Jonny, Uncle Jonny, won't you tell me please..
However on earth, does your garden grow?
"With oil...and gas, and a dollop of grease...
you ask me child, as though you don't know."
Have you, Uncle Jonny, a row of peas? a carrot or two?
Nah, kid, sure don't...won't grow, for the weeds.
Parsley? nor parsnips? a rutebega, or two?
Tellin' ya' kid, the answer's no..but there's a mercury marquis..
Rusting, in the pasture, behind a couple of fords.
Take a left, at the comet, between the cottonwood trees...
And look for a trailer, piled high with old boards.
There, she'll be a wiltin', 'neath the hot august sun.
With a spider-web windshield, from some kid with a rock..
But if you want her to drive, i'm quite sure that she'll run.
G'on kid, here's the key...open up that lock...
Get an idea how you'll feel...
Cruisin' down the block.
Ain't no veggies, a'growin' here kid, never will, i fear..
Even the cars, don't "green up"...they just sit..and rust...and rot. |
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